Fuerteventura Canary Islands / Spain
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As it is true for surfing, Fuerteventura is also windsurfing's european Hawaii. In the summer months, the island is constantly battered by strong easterly winds, which, in the south, are accelerated due to the venturi and thermal effect of the numerous hills. One can windsurf and kitesurf anywhere on the island, as far as i know, but there are privileged spots:
- Playa de Sotavento/Costa Calma/Paso del Risquo
- Flag beach/Coralejo
- Barlovento
On the South-east coast of the island, starting in Costa Calma and spreading south for about 25km is the playa de Sotavento, an ideal windsurfing/kitesurfing area, for experts and beginners alike. The wind, when at its best, is offshore, coming from the Atlantic side, accelerated by zigzaging through the hills lying behind. During the strong months of July and August, it can easily blow between 7-9 Bft. The area itself, is, during the higher tides, ideal for beginners, as the higher waters fill the lagoon and allow for waist deep, very flat waters, as they are protected from the waves by the long almost continuous sand bar. For the more advanced enthusiasts, , the other side of the sand bar, the open sea, can produce some nice waves for surfing and jumping. Playa de Sotavento is home to world cpu kite and windsurfing competitions.
On playa de Sotavento, there are 2 windsurfing centers, Rene Egli I and II (Respectively above and to the right) the center I, is loacted right next to hotel Los Gorriones, about 3km from Costa Calma. The main shop and reservation center is located at the back of the Hotel. The Shuttle busses to and from Costa Calma and the surf center II leave from there. both centers are well equiped with enough sails and boards for everybody. The center I is not recommended for beginners who do not waterstart as the shallow water area is not so big, the lagoon area is used for kitesurfing. At the center II, kitesurfing is not allowed, but it is the best oplace for people who begin and are not so proficient at waterstarts. It is possible to walk from one center to the other, about 40 minutes along the beautiful Sotavento beach.
Hard to access, a long dirt road drive from Morro Del Jable/Jandia, it is on the atlantic side of the island, next to the small village of Cofette and offers beautiful scenery. We do not know much about thsi area, only that some people windsurf there sometimes, but the windsurfing is for experts only, there are lots of waves, a strong, dangerous undertow and no one to watch over you as it is a wild area.
Flag beach/Corralejo:
Closer to the airport, in the northern part of the island is the town of Corralejo. well know for its surfing spots, you can imagine that it offers also good windsurfing areas. We did not get a chance to windsurf there, but have heard or read good things about the wave sailing there and it seems to receive as much wind as Sotavento.
Links for Windsurfing / Kitesurfing / Surfing:
Center Rene Egli
Beach Windsurfing Centre/Kitesurfing Centre
Surf School