The second was decided to be a relaxing day, with not so much uphill and one nice long downhill, All to compensate for the really long and arduous first day.
Of course this is not how it turned out to be, as the legs, tired from the previous days adventure started complaining at the col du Driot, thankfully the downhill was negociated slowly and the uphill traverse to the cabane de Saleina was not so strenuous.
The advantage, if you want to call it an advantage, is that having learned their lessons from the inaugural day, our little group decided to set off early, having them arrive well before noon at the cabane de Saleina. Why is that an advantage you ask?
Well they had plenty of time to sample the collection of beverages in the hut. So much, that by the time evening arrived and others wanted to join them in their sampling, not so much of the precious liquids were left. I feel bad for the people arriving on sunday night, expecting a refreshing beer only to find out that a group the previous day had emptied the stores.
So, in order to not extend a short day into more than it should be, we can note that the main attraction that day for the group was watching Rob and Guy attempt, and surprisingly succeed, at putting up the swiss flag at the hut, without any obvious damage to their bodies. The other expectation turned out to be more basic, will there be enough beer for all tonight?