March 7st 2001

Welcome to our second newsletter, we still have no experience in that field, or any other field for that matter, so bear with the inexperience please....

Here are the subject for this month's newsletter

  • Ski report from Heiligenblut by our lazy newsletter writers : Greg Olson and Thierry Bordet.
  • Featured site of the Month: The Avalanche center, the ski season is in full blast and it's dumping everywhere, a good site with info links and education on avalanches.....
  • Book review, this month: " The Crossing " by Cormac McCarthy (sorry, i only read 1 book a should be happy that i can read in the first place...)
  • We've added new Postcards, and we now have Corny animations (Love for now, and more are coming...), you can't be cornier than that...

View last months newsletter





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